HarmonySite works for YOUR CHORUS!

HarmonySite works for YOUR CHORUS!
Type of post: News
Sub-type: Post Sub-Type
Posted By: Pam Beatty Ringo
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, Jul 18 2024
Harmony, Inc. and Area 6 are both very happy with HarmonySite's provision of our websites. HarmonySite is an excellent package that meets all our needs as an area. Mark from HarmonySite provides exceptional service and support, ensuring that you always have the help you need.
We strongly recommend that you get a HarmonySite for your own chapter.  A HarmonySite website is a complete, centralised chapter-management tool, an attractive website to promote your chorus, and a communications hub for your members.  The admin tools are not just comprehensive, but also cover every aspect of chapter management, designed to dramatically reduce your admin workload.
Moreover, each chapter HarmonySite in the area is integrated with the area HarmonySite.  Any details about members, quartets, or your chorus that you enter into your chapter-level HarmonySite are instantly reflected at the area level (and vice versa).  You can add news items and events to your chapter HarmonySite and elect to have them show on the area HarmonySite.  So, the more chapters in the area that have HarmonySites, the less admin work for everybody.
You can read more about HarmonySite's features here:  https://www.harmonysite.com/features.  If you'd like to explore a new HarmonySite for your chapter, contact Mark (mark@harmonysite.com); he can set you up with a free 30-day trial.